Tuesday 24 November 2015

¡Francés en España!

Hoy las chicas inglesas fuimos al instituto Botànic Cavanilles. En grupos, fuimos a unas clases diferentes- francés, literatura española, biología, y sonido-un ciclo formativo. Visité francés ¡Había solo dos alumnos en la clase! En la clase aprendí una poema de Paul Éluard. Después, escuchamos música de Enrique Iglesias, y otros cantantes. La clase fue muy interesante porque era completamente diferente que en Inglaterra.

Today, the English girls went to school, and in groups, we went to observe some different classes- Biology, French, Spanish Literature and Sound-a vocational course. ( the school offers many vocational courses, such as this, and mechanics.)  I went to French, there were only 2 students in the class! (these were students that have decided not to study English as a foreign language, and instead study French.)in the class, we read a poem by Paul Eloard, called Liberté in French and we talked with the French students about ourselves. It was really difficult to speak in French when we were in Spain, and especially difficult for some of us who haven't studied French since Year 7! At the end of the lesson, we listen to some Enrique Iglesias songs and a few others. The class was really interesting as it was completely different to classes in England.
G. Harper

1 comment:

  1. Hola chicas, el pequeño Arturo y yo hemos disfrutado de leer vuestro blog. ¡Vuestro nivel de español es impresionante! Espero que lo hayáis pasado fenomenal en La Vall y que tengáis un buen viaje. Saludos, Srta Casablanca
