Tuesday 24 November 2015

Morella y Peñiscola

Hoy, fuimos a Morella, para visitar un catedral enorme. Compramos una bebida en un café, y algunas personas compraron recuerdos en las tiendas Después, visitamos un castillo, históricoy también, sacamos muchas fotos, porque era bellísima. En Morella, hizo mucho frío, porque está en las montañas.

Después, fuimos a Peñiscola, un pueblo precioso y sacamos muchas fotos bellísimas. Fue un lugar muy amable, y las vistas del mar eran increíbles.

Today, we went to Morella, to visit an enormous cathedral. We bought a hot drink in a café, and some people bought souvenirs in the shops. Afterwards, we visited a historic castle and took lots of photos because it was really beautiful. In Morella it was freezing, as we were so high up in the mountains.

Afterwards, we went to Peñiscola, a beautiful town, and we took lots of photos, (all the photos here are of Peñiscola). It was a lovely town, and the views were stunning.

H. Hartley

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