Sunday 22 November 2015

Un día en Castellón

Hoy visitamos Castellón en coche y allí había un mercado donde puede comprar y probar comida des varios países. después, fuimos a un centro commercial y aquí compartimos una paella grande- fue rica, pero solo podemos comer un poco porque estamos llenos. Ahora estamos en en un cafe que se llama 'mossets' y ambas bebemos cola cao y sentamos con los chicos españoles del intercambio. ¡Qué bien! 💓

Today, we visited Castellón (the capital of Castellón province) by car, and there was a food market there where we could try, and buy food from all over the world. Afterwards, we went to a shopping centre where we shared a large paella, (the Spanish equivalent of a Sunday Roast). It was delicious, but we could only eat a bit, as we were already full! As we write this, we are in a café called 'Mossets' and we are both drinking a Cola Cao- a hot chocolate, with our Spanish partners. A fab day!

V. Mills & L. Peers

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